John Cordes is a hard working, no nonsense, talented marketer.

From start to finish I can get the job done. I do Senior Web Content Management, DEV QA, Project Management, Digital Strategy, Web Design, Graphic Design, and everything in between.

Where am I now?


Marvin website thumbnail

I'm currently on the digital marketing team at Marvin as a Senior Web Content Specialist. Much of my time is spent working closely with our development team to QA new components that are being built out in the Sitecore cloud DEV environment to ensure that they meet all of the requirements prior to a release to the stage environment. This requires rigurous testing by going through each JIRA requirement one by one to make sure that the component meets the necessary requirements to move to the next environment. If it doesn't meet the requirements, I will communicate in JIRA with screen shots as well as in written detail to ensure that the end result is what is necessary to be successful. As part of the QA process I look at the Figma designs that our UX designer puts together and I will mock up a page to mirror what was desiged in the new Sitecore cloud. The next biggest responsibility that I have currently is the rebuilding of the entire site. We are starting with the blog pages and are working to other sections of the site such as news and product pages. We are moving with alignment with our DEV team. They build out the components needed for the sections, I do the QA on the components, then build out the section and the process starts over again as we move through the site.

Another part of my job is to manage and maintain the current 9.1 Sitecore site which is our live site. We get a number of requests into a webmaster inbox that I manage and I put the requests into our JIRA platform to manage the requests with my colleague. I also conduct training for my colleagues and set up meetings with my developers to make sure that we are utilizing the best practices and are learning and teaching each other as we are building out the new site. I am always troubleshooting and a good problem solver. I run A/B, multivariate, and personalization tests in ABTasty. I assist with digital strategy, and use best practices of agile methodology.

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Where have I been and who have I worked with?


Stratasys website thumbnail

I was on the digital marketing team at Stratasys for 7 years. I served as the digital marketing liason for the European and Asian Regional Offices. I was also responsible for managing and maintaining the digital editorial calendar, executing a strategic plan for live chat along with the sales team as well as helped manage and maintain the 11 versions of the site within the Sitecore platform. I was part of 2 rebuilds during my time there along with building out all of the International sites.

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JC Cabinets LLC

JC Cabinets LLC website thumbnail

I was responsible for updating the pre-existing website. My Client was looking to make the website an extension of their business. My client offers their customers the highest standards and exceed their expectations with their personal service and wanted their site to reflect this. The site itself is very simple, clean and easy to navigate. It is intended for potential clients to get an idea of what JC Cabinets LLC can do and give an idea of their values and care that they put into their work.

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Nudrap Setters

Nudrap Setters website thumbnail

I was responsible for creating the site. It was created for a breeder of Grouse Dogs Bred in the George Ryman Tradition located in Wisconsin. The main objective of the project was to create a dynamic website with a traditional look and feel to help embrace the companies values. One thing that I did was put a filter over the photos to make them look old. Also the wood paneling backdrop on the site along with the burnt water stained paper for the added effect. I also was responsible for creating the logo for the site. This was something that was kept simple as well. I used one of the clients dogs as a model to base it off of and used a simple line drawing to keep with the theme.

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What have I done?

Graphic Design

Ben Folds

Ben Folds Poster Thumbnail

Ben Folds is a promotional poster that I created for an Art Institutes International Minnesota class project. The scope for this project was to create a promotional poster for an upcoming event. Ben Folds came to Minnesota to play with the Minnesota Orchestra in 2009. The main emphasis was on layers, brushes, and various blending modes. He has always been one of my favorite artists and I wanted to capture the essence of his artistic mastery in my digital piece. I used a simple pallete with various techniques.

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Who Am I

Who Am I Poster Thumbnail

Who Am I is a multi-layered poster created for an Art Institutes International Minnesota class project. The objective for this project was to create a poster that gives others a vision of who you are. I used many excerpts from a personal journal of mine as well as original art of my family that I created along with other images that are close to my heart. I wanted this to be a reflection of me and give everyone an idea of who I am and why I am the way I am. I used many layers and filters on top of each other, along with turning the pages of my journal to create movement and intrigue to the user and keep the audience looking and wanting to see and read more into the piece.

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JC Cabinets LLC

JC Cabinets LLC Composite Thumbnail

I was responsible for creating an identity system for a small cabinet shop. My Client wanted an identity that focused on the small details. I kept the logo simple by focusing on two every day tools that took on the shape of the J and C. What I ended up with was a Hammer and C-Clamp which is part of every cabinet makers tool box. I wanted them to look more realistic so I added some shadows and made it look more like a rendering instead of just flat colors. Once the logo was created, the business card and brochure followed and were part of the identity system.

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